
12 Tourist Attractions in Macau

12 Tourist Attractions in Macau

1. Macau Tower
Macau TowerSpot this one can be the main destination when planning to vacation in Macau because the Macau Tower is a tourist attraction that will complete your pleasure. With a height of 338 meters, all the beauty of the city of Macau can be enjoyed from the top of the Macau Tower. Challenge yourself also to walk outside the tower of Macau Tower at the top where the floor is made of glass so you can directly see the city of Macau. Other activities that can boost adrenaline is bungee jumping, so for those who like the challenge this object is so obliged to be visited.
Even the bungee jumping in this tower is the highest in the world. From a height of 338, please try this challenge if you have great guts. In addition to these challenging towers and rides, travelers will also find cinemas, restaurants, and a 4-storey Entertainment and Meeting Center. The nice thing in this place is in the evening you can have dinner on skywalk after satisfied photographing. The hobby of berkuliner not to miss the delights of food with five star hotel level only at Macau Tower.

2. Flora Garden

Flora GardenDi Macau also features Flora Garden which is built in European style and is located at the base of Mount Guia. In ancient times, Flora Garden is a Flora Palace, which is an aristocratic Portuguese mansion. Arriving at this place we will see the stone gate where once a courtyard guard post. In this place the tourists can enjoy the terrace with shady trees and a small zoo.
To be able to visit the top of Mount Guia, the tourists can use the cable car that is provided near the park gate. Spectacular views of the park and the panoramic view of the city are all that the eye of the visitor with the cable car can capture.

3.Kun Iam Tong

Kun Iam Tong This is a temple building whose purpose of development is to honor the Goddess of Forgiveness and its establishment has been since the 13th century, while for the most brand-new building after a series of changes is from since 1627. If you want to travel buildings and are interested to come to a temple most majestic and grand in Macau, this is the best place. The gate and its large roof are indeed the charm of this building. Lucky tourists who come on the 19th day in the 11th, 9th, 6th and 2nd month will be able to watch the Kun Iam Festival.
The temple accepts visitors only from 7 am to half 6 pm.
There is no charge for anyone who comes and wants to look around at this place.

4.Christmas St. Dominic

St. John's Church DominicThe visitor will feel enchanted when he got to the church whose establishment was from 1587 this year. The construction of this church was initiated by three Spanish priests who were originally known from Mexico, precisely from Acapulco which has various kinds of beauty within the church of St. Peter's Church. Dominic this.
The bell tower located at the back of the church has been modified and finally converted into a small museum that displays a collection of more than 300 artifacts. St. John's Church Dominic receives visitors from 10 am to 6 pm.

5. Macau Giant Panda Pavilion

Macau Giant Panda Pavilion Another Macau treasure that deserves to be a holiday destination is Macau Giant Panda Pavilion which is located quite far from the sparkling areas of Macau resorts. When visiting Seac Pai Van Park, you will find two very large rare pandas in this place, they are Xin Xin and Kai Kai. The pavilion built on 3000 square meters of land has two sections, indoor and outdoor as well as logistic centers to feed and care for the pandas.
It is the Mainland Chinese Government that awarded the two pandas to commemorate the 10th anniversary of reunification between China and Macau. One of the commitments of the Macau government itself is to share the national treasure to the people of Macau itself, so no wonder if the two giant pandas that still seem cute in this park.

6. Senado Square

Senado Square Not complete and exciting it feels if you have not set foot on the Macau landmark in the shape of this square. Arriving here, you will be able to see firsthand the classic Spanish-style buildings that surround the plaza with this Portuguese-style design. The beautiful arrangement of stone floor on this tourist attraction will also attract our attention following the dim lights and ancient buildings. Walking in this place together with the couple will feel more romantic.
In the center you will find a fountain that supports the atmosphere becomes more amazingly beautiful. Being one of UNESCO's world heritages, Senado Square has an area of ??3,700 square meters and is considered a part of Macau's historical center that can not be underestimated. In this area you will be able to find St. Dominic apart from the shops lined up. In ancient times, when the Portuguese were still in power in Macau, Senado Square area served as a place of military strength exhibition.

7. The ruins of St. Paul

The unforgettable features of Macau are the ruins of St. Paul or Sao Paulo where the big stairs to this place is a magnificent sight in Macau. The reason why this place is called the ruins is because there was a fire that occurred not only once in this building, namely in 1601 and 1835.
It is said, this church was once lined with libraries and classical campus that eventually also burned out. There have been efforts in re-establishing the magnificent building, but the version of the building that already exists in many minds of visitors will be hard to be matched by the newest conditions.
Mandarin house

8. Casa Garden

This park is housed in a house that has existed since 1770 and was once a residence for a wealthy Portuguese merchant named Manuel Pereira. Some time later, the house was leased to the East India Company. For now, the property serves as the headquarters of the Oriental Foundation and this place is a must-visit historic place with a variety of historical heritage located within this base.
The gardens and galleries in this home area are operational hours from half past 10 am to 6 pm.
Casa Garden will not accept visitors on Saturdays, Sundays as well as big day.

9. Lilau Square

Lilau Square The land from Lilau was in the past important because the people of Macau make it the main source of natural springs and use it for daily living purposes. One popular Portuguese phrase states that anyone who drinks Lilau water will never forget Macau.
So, for those who are curious about this area, please come directly and surround this place with various beauty in this square lilau which is in china.

10. Na Tcha Temple

Na Tcha Temple This old temple was founded in 1888 and the construction of this temple aims to commemorate and worship Na Tcha. When coming to this region, it will be clearly captured Chinese and Western dialectics presented through this traditional Chinese temple. This is one of the best spots in Macau that will allow tourists to recognize the multicultural identity and religious freedom of Macau.
Na Tcha Temple can be visited at 8 am to 5 pm.
Visitors can enter without having to pay.

11. Wine Museum

The Museum of WineMacau not only has the Grand Prix Museum, but there is also a Wine Museum that might make you interested to visit this spot. Located in an area of ??1400 square meters, the museum is divided into several areas, namely museums and exhibitions, Wine Cellar, and historical information. Any history related to wine can be obtained from this museum. Every area in this museum will not only provide info about wine products, but also visitors can see the traditional and modern tools used in the process of wine production.
The museum also has a collection of 1,143 different brands of wine; 28 is Chinese wine, and 1,115 others are Portuguese wines. Of the 1,115 Portuguese wine brands, 359 of them are special collections and the other 756 are commercial wines where Porto 1815 also exists and becomes the oldest wine.

12. Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial House

Formerly used by Dr. Sun Yat Sen as a temporary residence, this house holds a lot of history along with important documents. Dr. Sun Yat Sen is a well-known figure who became a mentor as well as driving the revolution of the Chinese republic. It was he who succeeded in making the weak regime of the Qing Dynasty overthrown. Although it did count briefly in the time of Dr. Sun Yat Sen is staying at this house as his escape from the power of Mandarin, the house is a silent witness of Dr. Sun Yat Sen in gathering his supporters in that era so that this house is more significant.
Sun Yat Sen Memorial House is open from 10 am to 5 pm, but visits can only be made on Wednesdays to Mondays as every Tuesday this place closes.
Visitors are free of entry fee and surround the former residence while Dr. Sun Yat Sen this.

This recommended tourist attraction in Macau is the architectural and cultural beauty of Macau city in China which is mandatory for tourists to enjoy. Hopefully with this list of attractions, you are getting ready to browse Macau.

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