
10 Visa Free States are Required to Visit

10 Visa Free States are Required to Visit

1. Peru

Your visit to South America will be incomplete if you have not visited Inka Fort on Macchu Pichu. Many more histories and cultures that you can learn for 183 days there, because that's the time given to Indonesian tourists are in Peru without a visa.

2. Morocco
Just hours away from major cities in Europe, you can get into North Africa and get acquainted with a magical land called Morocco. This visa-free country consists not only of snowy mountains and high wavy beaches but also the amazing sand dunes of the Sahara. Tour to Morocco will be more colorful because of the many open markets that sell a variety of goods. You can explore Morocco until satisfied until 3 months without a visa.

3. Hong Kong
This Asian Hollywood should get on your next holiday list. Hong Kong has also produced many world-class action movies that are cool. Just look at the world's leading actors Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Jet Li Choi Yun Fat.
If you go to this visa-free country, make sure you are on Avenue of The Stars and take pictures in Hong Kong's walk of fame and Bruce Lee statue. Then to Musseum Maddame Tussaud and do not forget to visit the Hong Kong Disneyland. Find cheap flights to Hong Kong and you can explore Hong Kong for 30 days without requiring a visa.

4. Macau

Want to feel the atmosphere between Europe and Asia? Just come to Macau. In this one visa-free country, we can easily find Portuguese relics, from architecture to food. Do not forget to try your luck in Las Vegas this Asia. For Indonesian Citizens, you are free to visit Macau for 30 days without a visa.

5. Japan

What would you do if to Japan? In addition to feeling the falling cherry blossoms or seeing the cherry blossoms that blossom (seasonally) you can also feel the splendor of Mount Fuji, eating sushi, Kobe meat, traveling to Tokyo and Shibuya and doing some of the most interesting things in Japan.
This is what makes it as one of the favorite destinations of tourists around the world. The strong traditional culture alongside technological advances makes Japan a modern state that still preserves its traditional side. Indonesian citizens now no longer need to worry about visa matters. Find cheap flights to Japan and special for e-passport holders you can holiday to Japan for 15 days without visa.

6. Seychelles
The fine sandy beach, the turquoise water with the backdrop of the hills and boulders, thinking about it just had imagined how beautiful it is. How to feel it right away? But you do not worry, you can explore the Seychelles or Maldives of Africa for a month without a visa.

7. Dominica
Probably not many flights that can take you to get to Dominica. But if you have a chance to go to this visa-free country, you will experience united with the amazing nature.
Visit the Morne Trois Pitons National Park, the Indian River, trekking on the Waitukubuli National Trail, play water sports at Titou Gorge, a hot bath in Wotten Waven, to hiking and trekking at Boiling Lake. You get a free visit for 21 days without using a visa.

8. Fiji
Tourists can find a lot of coral reefs and along the beautiful underwater nature of the Fiji Islands. Similar to other Oceania regions, Fiji offers beautiful beaches and stunning underwater scenery. Satisfy your curiosity over Fiji for four months without a visa granted by the Fijian Embassy to tourists from Indonesia.

9. Haiti
This one visa-free country is a country with a fairly dark history of slavery. So many cultural and historical sites are stored in this Country. This is what is interesting for tourists who will visit Haiti. Fortunate for Indonesian tourists, because you do not have to bother to take visa to Haiti. You can visit here for 3 months.

10. Samoa
Live relaxed, because we are on the beach is the principle of Samoan society. So do not be surprised, you who always disciplined and timely life will be invited to enjoy nature in a relaxed way. In addition, the Samoan community is also known for its hospitality that will make you miss him when he returns home. You can try to start your journey to this visa-free country for 30 days.

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