
Guide Tips Go Holiday Into Borobudur Temple

Guide Tips Go Holiday Into Borobudur Temple


Borobudur Temple is one of the largest monuments in the world. It was built in the seventh century. The whole shape of the temple building resembles a lotus or lotus flower, a flower that is considered sacred by Buddhists. The temple is located in Borobudur District Magelang Regency is surrounded by mountains, namely Mount Merbabu in the east, Mount Merapi to the northwest, Mount Sumbing in the south, and Mount Sindoro in the north.

Borobudur Temple is one of the greatest relics of the Royal Syailendra dynasty that embraced Buddhism, during the reign of Samaratungga of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom. The temple was built in 824, with a construction period of about 100 years, and to date has undergone two refurbishments. The first restoration in 1907 - 1911 by Theodorus Van EIDR in the Dutch colonial period, and the second in 1973 - 1983 by President Soeharto assisted Unesco. This temple was built 300 years earlier than Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

The temple which is a world cultural heritage consists of 72 stupas terawang, one main stupa, and 504 statue statue, with high temple 42 meters before the restoration. The reliefs carved on the stone of the temple amounted to 1460 and told about life. Borobudur Temple itself is built using volcanic rocks amounting to more than two million stones, which are arranged with kepunden terraces.

Borobudur name taken from the word Boro which means the temple or temple, and Budur which means hill. So the Borobudur is meant as a temple on a hill. This naming is mentioned first by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in his book entitled History of Java Island.

Borobudur Temple is divided into three parts of Buddhist philosophy, which you can browse from the base of the temple to the top, by going through 10 levels of the temple. The three parts of that philosophy are, Kamadhatu (world of desire), Rupadhatu (shaped world), and Arupadhatu (the shapeless world).

Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in Indonesia


Many mysteries are stored in Borobudur temple which until now can not be revealed for sure. However, its splendor and magic are fascinating until visitors will always be interested to see it, despite having visited many times. The admission price of the Borobudur Temple complex is IDR. 30,000 for local visitors, and IDR. 135,000 for foreign tourists.

The best time to visit Borobudur is early morning. The gate opens from 6 am. The panoramic beauty of the surrounding volcanoes is evident even though sometimes the mist surrounds him until 8 am. Visitors walk as far as 500 meters to the bottom of the hill then climb several steps to reach the foot of the temple. To watch the sunrise, you can use private car or overnight at hotels in Borobudur area.

How to Go to Borobudur

Borobudur is one hour from Yogyakarta and two hours from Semarang. His journey through small towns and fields. Borobudur is located on the edge of a village called Borobudur Village, the majority of which are farmers and sellers of souvenirs. Along the way to Borobudur, you will be spoiled with the cool fresh air typical of Magelang City, as well as the natural scenery between two mounts Merbabu and Merapi.

An easy way to Borobudur is to rent a car, motorbike, or join a tour. You can rent it at your hotel or inn, even you can hire a car following the driver. If you take a taxi from downtown Yogyakarta to Borobudur, the tariff is around IDR. 200.000, and the exact price can be known from Yogyakarta cab counter that is IDR. 190,000

In addition, you can ride public transport. Take a bus or mini bus from Yogyakarta bus terminal. There is a small bus directly from Yogya to Borobudur, which caters to visitors every day, every 10 minutes. The most famous Bua named Cemara Tunggal, the fare is IDR. 12,000 one way. Then you get off at Mendut Temple. After that you can walk or horse horse to Pawon Temple. Pawon and Borobudur temples are only about 300 meters away.

Transportation in Borobudur

There is a mini train or commonly known train rabbit to get around the complex of Borobudur Temple Tour Park. Train rides which is also an entertainment for these children can you ride with the rate of IDR. 5000 per passenger and once round.

Andong was easy to find starting from the terminal, Borobudur market, until inside the temple complex to get around the temple area. You can rent it with the IDR rate. 30,000 per four passengers and once round, if only around the temple. But if you want to go around the village, the tariff is IDR. 75,000, with routes passing through four villages

Hotels in Borobudur

Visiting Borobudur is enough to attract visitors to stay for a moment near the splendor of the temple. A variety of simple hotels and star hotels you can find around the temple area. At least now there are 6 star hotels and dozens of hotels and homestay jasmine.

Star hotels certainly provide classy service and facilities that offer luxury and satisfaction. There are resort model resorts and spas that also provide a private pool inside each room.

Cheap hotel prices around the temple area around IDR. 80,000 - IDR. 350,000 per night. There are also hotels that provide sunrise tour packages in Borobudur and include breakfast, then sunset with afternoon tea, to romantic dinner in the moonlight. As for the villa model lodging, rented with prices starting from IDR. 2 million up to IDR. 5 million

Here are some hotels near Borobudur that you can use to stay.

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