
Cheap Accommodation Stay in Japan

Cheap Accommodation Stay in Japan

Japan has a variety of cheap lodging, ranging from ryokan, shukubo, until the middle of the hits is my minpaku. Minpaku is a cheap lodging type that allows us to rent houses, apartments or villas owned by local residents. The advantage is that we can stay with the Japanese, interact directly and get to know Japanese culture more closely. Of course with a more populist tariff.
Cheap Stay in Japan Stay Japan
However, it should be noted that not all minpaku have been officially registered to the government. So you should be more careful about legalization and security. A trip to Japan recommends the only official booking site that is STAY JAPAN.

What is STAY JAPAN? Stay Japan 3 STAY JAPAN is an online booking site offering various types of minpaku in Japan. you can access the site at Starting from traditional houses, farmhouse, homestay, to modern style house we can order in STAY JAPAN. The location is scattered in all corners of Japan both in urban and rural areas with cheap rates.
By booking lodging at STAY JAPAN, we can explore Japan more authentically, get to know the local culture, and get closer to the local community. And certainly more secure, because STAY JAPAN only offer official lodging that has been registered. One more, the more the stay, the cheaper the rate you know. Many discount offer if you stay more than two people. STAY JAPAN was present as a booking site that matches Indonesian tourists.
Why is my Minpaku in STAY JAPAN suitable for Indonesian Tourists?

1. Cheaper Stay for Arrival

Generally, lodging in Japan calculates rates based on the number of people, not the number of rooms booked. This is certainly incriminating for those of you who vacation with family or in groups. Can-be budget swelled because one chose lodging.
By booking at STAY JAPAN, you can rent an inn that can be inhabited by many people. For example, you rent an inn with a rate of 10,000 yen at STAY JAPAN. At first glance looks expensive right?
But this inn can be occupied up to 4 people you know, so everyone just need to pay 2,500 yen (250 thousands) only. Could be more efficient and guaranteed the tariff will not drain the bag. Another advantage, we will not separate with family members because they can sleep in one place.

2. Suitable for Muslim Tourists

Muslim tourists will be spoiled with a variety of conveniences. Such a spacious room and the availability of a cooking place. you can worship in the room without a hitch. And again, when hunger you can cook the kosher dish you want.
Bring Indomie or abon cow from Indonesia could be the choice ya. That way, you do not need to be confused to find halal food during the holidays in Japan. Live cooking in the kitchen and eat it with family. Everything is practical and easy to reach.

3. The Nuance of a Japanese Home!

There is one thing we will not get when deciding to stay at the hotel, the feel of Japanese hospitality. Different story, if you decide to stay in minpaku from STAY JAPAN. you can mingle with local people, learn culture, and experience unique experiences that only Japanese have.
STAY JAPAN even has lodging that allows us to stay with Japanese farmers. Later, we will be invited to grow crops and harvest the results. When else can we sleep on futon mattresses, eat local dishes, and exchange stories with Japanese?

4. Many Room Options with Cheap Rates

STAY JAPAN offers various types of cheap lodging in Japan with a unique concept to modern, of course with the guarantee of a cheap, legal and secure. This is the type of lodging you can choose on STAY JAPAN.

5.  Manga Room, Ishikawadai, Tokyo

Can imagine if you stay in an apartment and surrounded by 2000 manga or comic? you can try this rare experience by ordering Manga Room at Stay Japan. For those of you who like to read comics, get ready to lull with this type of room.

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